Off the Vine Fabric Goods

Fully-lined yoga bag with belt strap and carabiner

Fully-lined yoga bag with belt strap and carabiner

Wallpaper gift bags-assorted designs

Soft, sturdy felt tot bag with 6 pockets and fun rosettes

CREATIONS: Yoga mat bags, fabric wine bottle covers; fabric drawstring bags, fabric tote bags; wallpaper gift bags; surprise boxes.

ABOUT THE ARTISAN: I am "constantly crafting" and have two small business outlets that help me live creatively!! I started rubber stamping about 25 years ago and that, combined with my lifelong sewing obsession, has taken me down many creative paths. Currently I am focusing on small drawstring bags that are great for kids, gifting, organizing, and travel. One of my very favorite things to make is wine bottle covers out of the ribbon samples found at FabMo. Another "obsessive" creation is "surprise" boxes. You will find many holiday-themed ones, or I can custom make for any occasion. Send one to someone today to let them you know you are thinking of them! It is a gift that keeps giving!

I believe in the mission of FabMo and share it with everyone I can.

Visit my website to see more of my creations and to purchase online.