Even More FabMo Projects

Who knew that when we started this weekly project mail way back in spring, we’d still be at in fall, with life still not being back to normal.

So, for now, we’ll try and keep the weekly projects up. If you have a project you’d like to share, please let us know!

FabMo Project 21: Small Fabric Tray


These little trays are quite easy to make and are useful for all sorts of things, jewelry, small office supplies, buttons. I am sure you can come up with more. They require a bit of fairly accurate sewing but other than that: simple straigh lines only.

Why: because one can always use another little tray to organize stuff.

The link to the instructions is here.


FabMo Project 22: Terry Cloth Scrubby

A small sample book I found at FabMo the other day inspired me to try this project that I wanted to try for a while: make a cleaning pad with a scrubby side. For the scrubby side I wanted to use one of those plastic nettings that you can buy onions or garlic in. Here is the result:

Happy scrubbing!

The instructions are here

FabMo Project 23: Mask Lanyard


Today’s project falls into the category “why didn’t I think about this like weeks ago?” We carry reading glasses on lanyards to make the constant up and down easier and what else goes up and down all the time? Right, our omnipresent masks. Since it doesn’t look like we’ll go going without for some time to come, here are the instructions for a mask lanyard. Provided by Stephanie Goldman.

The instructions are here.

FabMo Project 24: Candy Box


Here is a no-contact idea to hand out candies this special Halloween 2020, brought to you by Flora: an easy CANDY PAPER BOX, that you can fill with whatever treat you like and set out on a grab-and-go table.

This one is best explained with pictures. A BIG thank you to Flora for sharing! The instructions are here.

FabMo Project 25 - Cowl Scarf

Super-easy to sew, pretty and useful - there is a lot to like about the cowl scarf made from 2 FabMo sourced 18” squares. You can use other fabric of roughly 18” x 36” to make this pretty accessory.

You can find the instructions here.

ProjectTina BaumgartnerSewing