Volunteer Update

Dear FabMo Volunteers: 

On May 18 the Santa Clara County Shelter-in-Place Order was revised. Under this new version, FabMo is allowed to have volunteers work on-site and also to deliver materials ordered online or by phone using curbside pickup.  

We plan to open up shifts for Sort. You can volunteer on the self-scheduling site that you have used in the past. The first days for volunteers are Thursday, May 28 and Friday, May 29. Please look at the Volunteer Calendar on our website or directly at schedule.fabmo.org/volunteers if you want to schedule yourself. We look forward to seeing you.

We are taking the necessary steps to support an active and safe FabMo volunteer experience. One stipulation for opening is that FabMo develop a Social Distancing Protocol according to county rules, and distribute that to all of you. It is a five page document, with many, many hyperlinks that lead to CDC and Santa Clara County pages of recommendations and guidelines for health and safety in the COVID-19 world we are now in. You can access the Social Distancing Protocol here. You will be asked to attest that you have read it before volunteering at FabMo. Please let me know if you have any issues accessing the document. 

I also strongly encourage you to click on the links within the doucment (and especially https://www.sccgov.org/sites/covid19/Pages/learn-what-to-do.aspx#tipsworkers) for in-depth information about COVID-19 symptoms and also what to do if you have been exposed, tested positive or are recovering from illness.

Important things to know are:

  • No more than 8 people (volunteers) inside FabMo at one time.

  • Only volunteers already familiar with FabMo will be allowed for now, as we learn to operate under these new rules.  

  • Volunteers may not enter if they have COVID-19 symptoms, or a fever over 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • FabMo will check temperatures with a contactless thermometer before volunteers enter.

  • Everyone inside FabMo must wear a face covering/mask over mouth and nose. FabMo will not provide masks, so bring your own.

  • 6 foot distancing must be maintained.

  • FabMo cleaning procedures depend on each individual volunteer taking responsibility to clean surfaces they have touched. This is outlined in the protocol document.

The Board and Operations Committee have worked to plan a safe reopening under county guidelines. We know that each one of us will make our own assessment of personal risk and not everyone will feel ready to return to volunteering at FabMo right now. Every volunteer is cherished and appreciated, and we respect your decision and look forward to seeing you again whether now or later. Please feel free to contact me with any questions at board@fabmo.org.

Stay well,

Holly Welstein

FabMo Board Chair
